Craft Kits at the Library during FRANKLINSTEIN FRENZY!

Kids! Get your Hallowween craft kit in the library reading garden during Franklinstein Frenzy
- Craft Kits at the Library during FRANKLINSTEIN FRENZY!
- 2023-10-28T12:15:00-04:00
- 2023-10-28T23:59:59-04:00
- Kids! Get your Hallowween craft kit in the library reading garden during Franklinstein Frenzy
- When Oct 28, 2023 from 12:15 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Where Franklin Public Library Reading Garden
- Contact Name Amanda Dage
- Contact Phone 248-851-2254
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During Franklinstein Frenzy the library will be giving away craft kits. We will be located behind the library in the reading garden near the Franklin Cider Mill pop up booth. Stop by on your way to the pumpkin roll.