NEW! BOOKS&BEYOND BOOK CLUB - Book: Grace After Henry

- NEW! BOOKS&BEYOND BOOK CLUB - Book: Grace After Henry
- 2020-11-17T19:00:00-05:00
- 2020-11-17T20:00:00-05:00
- New virtual book discussion.
- When Nov 17, 2020 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-500)
- Where Virtual via Zoom
- Contact Name Florence Rouquet
- Contact Phone (248) 851 2254
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With the new norm of social distancing, gathering in person at Franklin Public Library isn’t an option anymore. So Cheryl and Rebecca, two confirmed readers who have facilitated book discussions in some book clubs they belong to, have joined forces to start a new, virtual discussion.
Join us for this first virtual gathering by clicking on the link, to discuss the book Grace After Henry by Eithne Shortall.
Grace and Henry have just bought a house together when he dies, leaving Grace bereft. She moves into their new home and one day Henry shows up to fix the faulty boiler. Only it isn’t Henry, of course; the look-alike man’s name is Andy, and suddenly Grace’s life is turned upside down.
This is a different sort of story. It’s touching and sad and captures grief and love quite wonderfully. Grace is an excellent, real character, and her ache for Henry is so true and honest. There are plenty of funny moments, too.